Monday, 19 November 2007

The honeymoon is over.

Mr Smith reads that "THE poll ratings of Gordon Brown have plunged to an all-time low as prime minister amid deepening economic gloom, disarray within the cabinet and increasing criticism of the government’s rescue of the Northern Rock bank, a new opinion poll shows. The sharp fall comes just weeks after Brown was accused by his political opponents of cowardice in not calling an autumn general election. It will be seen as evidence that Labour’s strongest card under Tony Blair, its management of the economy, is being eroded as voters worry about jobs and house prices. The YouGov poll of nearly 2,000 people for The Sunday Times shows that Brown’s honeymoon period has ended. Last month 59% thought that he was doing a good job as prime minister, while 29% said he was doing badly, a healthy net approval rating of +30. Now only 33% think he is doing well and 43% think he is doing badly, a net approval rating of -10 and a precipitous drop of 40 percentage points in a month. At the height of his honeymoon in the summer, his approval rating was +48."

Mr Smith hates to point out the fact that Mr Brown now has a lower approval rating than that enjoyed currently by US President George W Bush.

Sadly, for very deserved reasons.

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