Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Welcome to Scotland.

Mr Smith reads that "ONE of Alex Salmond's first pronouncements on taking office was to ditch the slogan "Scotland - the best small country in the world". He hated the phrase, which was a personal favourite of Jack McConnell, his predecessor, and promised to adopt something better. Now, six months on, the Scottish Government is ready to unveil the first stage of a rebranding exercise at Glasgow airport, a promotional package the First Minister said would show Scotland as "modern, distinctive and moving forward". But there was some surprise last night when a government spokesman disclosed that the only major slogan which will feature on the Glasgow airport hoardings will be the simple and well-used phrase, "welcome to Scotland".

A case of back to the future then? It should have been cheap at £125,000 "out of existing budgets," but only if it had actually been any good.

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