Tuesday, 13 January 2009

The Faces Of Foulkes.

Two perspectives on Labour MSP and peer George Foulkes.

"He earns £52,000 a year in his 'day' job as a Member of the Scottish Parliament. But the demands of Holyrood haven't stopped George Foulkes claiming a further £54,527 in expenses over the past year as a member of the House of Lords."

And ... "Labour MSP George Foulkes was accused of wasting public money after his bill for asking Holyrood questions topped £90,000. The Lothians MSP has tabled 927 written questions since his election to Holyrood in May last year, at a cost to the taxpayer of £98.51 each. "

Now Mr Smith isn't Lord Foulkes number one fan, and has raised concerns previously about the ability of our George to fulfill his responsibilities as both a member of the House of Lords and Scottish Parliament, but it seems to Mr Smith that as long as he remains a Lord he is entitled to be remunerated for doing the job and as an MSP to ask questions in the Scottish Parliament. Indeed our George has a tendency to ask more insightful questions than many of his colleagues, even if it does cost an average of £100 a pop. What may be more questionable is how Lord Foulkes elected roles sit alongside his business interests, namely ...

"A political and parliamentary consultancy with Eversheds LLP. Payment of £3000 per calendar month (excluding VAT if applicable) for consultancy services for 36 days per annum (all fees are paid to Carrick Court Associates Ltd" (a company which he owns 100% of the shares in).

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