Friday, 18 January 2008

Dougie Donnelly.

Speaking of knives in the back, "FIRST Minister Alex Salmond was yesterday accused of stabbing Dougie Donnelly in the back after the TV star was sacked from a sports quango. The BBC presenter was axed as chairman of the Scottish Institute of Sport after a shake-up announced by sports minister Stewart Maxwell. Sportscotland head Julia Bracewell was also asked to stand down after the two agencies were merged. Scottish Lib Demleader Nicol Stephen claimed it could dent Scotland's future medal hopes. He told MSPs: "Instead of sharpening up Scotland's performance, ministers were sharpening long knives for the back of Dougie Donnelly."

Never has Dougie generated so much coverage. But how many people knew until the last few days that he even chaired a sports quango. Just because he's a commentator doesn't mean he knows about elite sports performance which means he probably shouldn't have got the job in the first place.

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