Sunday, 2 December 2007

She's Toast.

Today's newspapers are full of calls for Labour's Scottish Leader Wendy Alexander MSP to resign, following further disclosures about the dodgy donation by Jersey business man Paul Green to her Leadership Election campaign and the fact that Labour MSP Charlie Gordon had already nominated Mr Green for an honour which he did not receive.

The only argument for Wendy not resigning is that if she does it will probably inevitably lead to Labour's UK Deputy Leader Harriet Harmen MP having to do the same.

That isn't really a good enough reason for Wendy not to go when whatever else happened she clearly broke electoral law. Ignorance is no excuse, especially when the law places the onus on the person receiving a donation to satisfy themselves the law has been complied with.

Mr Smith was no great fan of Wendy Alexander and her "non-election" as Scottish Labour Leader. But is she has any principles left she should do the decent thing and resign. It is then for others to consider their own positions.

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