Mr Smith is reminded that these are the words that lead to the eventual downfall of then Labour Scottish First Minister, Henry McLeish MSP, over an office expenses controversy, but now it appears that PM Gordon Brown may also have fallen into the same trap.
"PRIME MINISTER Gordon Brown is facing accusations he has breached Westminster expenses rules after subletting his constituency office to party colleagues. The Scottish MP signed a £1600 "sub-under-lease", which allows Labour activists to use part of his taxpayer-funded office in Kirkcaldy. But Commons rules state MPs "may not sublet accommodation which you lease and pay for out of the allowances". The prime minister is now "clarifying" his office sublet agreement with the Westminster authorities."
"PRIME MINISTER Gordon Brown is facing accusations he has breached Westminster expenses rules after subletting his constituency office to party colleagues. The Scottish MP signed a £1600 "sub-under-lease", which allows Labour activists to use part of his taxpayer-funded office in Kirkcaldy. But Commons rules state MPs "may not sublet accommodation which you lease and pay for out of the allowances". The prime minister is now "clarifying" his office sublet agreement with the Westminster authorities."
Given all of the advice which MPs get, and can get access to just by asking for it, it makes you wonder how they manage to get it so wrong so often, especially where taxpayers money is indirectly involved. Mr Smith seems to recall that Labour MSP Marilyn Livingstone also has offices in the same building. Could there be more to come on this story?
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