Tuesday, 9 October 2007

On your bike.

Mr Smith is reminded of the old adage, "do as I do, not as I say" in relation to disclosures about the travel habits of Ministers in the Scottish Government.

"SCOTTISH ministers have failed to cut their use of official cars, despite the SNP putting the environment at the heart of its political agenda. The slimmed-down Scottish Government made 137 car trips per member between May and August, compared to 135 under the previous Scottish Executive a year ago ... In total, the 18-strong SNP government clocked up 2,471 journeys compared to 2,711 by the 20-strong Labour-Liberal Democrat Executive last summer. Fewer than half of the SNP government travelled by train at all, including Mr Salmond and Ms Sturgeon. Stewart Stevenson, the transport minister, was the most frequent rail traveller, making six journeys, followed by Linda Fabiani, the Europe minister, with three."

It seems that the new regime has forgotten all of the criticisms it made of its predecessor. Mr Smith thinks if it is good enough for Tory Leader David Cameron, how about it Mr Salmond?

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