Thursday, 4 September 2008

The 20,000.

And from Drumlanrig again, "Confusion reigns at the Boundary Commission, which is again looking at changes to Scotland's 73 constituencies. The muddle centres on Renfrewshire, home to five seats. The Labour Party has apparently estimated there are around 250,000 voters in the area – which would mean one of those seats gets the axe. But we hear Wendy Alexander (Paisley North), below, is insisting the figure is 270,000. This would ensure that the area kept hold of its five seats (including the deposed former leader of the Scottish people's party). Surely brainbox Wendy would never get her figures muddled up?"

Does Wendy know something we don't? A mass migration of punters into Ferguslie Park? Or an alien invasion ... of the extraterrestrial kind?

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