Sunday, 21 September 2008

Go West Young Man.

Mr Smith thinks there are probably a lot of youngsters who didn't think through fully the implications of becoming councillors last year, with the result many of them are now having a serious change of heart.

"A 20-year-old deputy civic leader was urged to quit his post he prepares to return to university. John West, who at 18 became Scotland's youngest councillor in May last year, is due to begin a degree in history with politics this month at Aberdeen University. He previously studied law at the university, but dropped out last year."

Mr Smith thinks the bottom line is that if you have committed to being a Councillor and are drawing at least £16K a year as a salary for doing it, you should do it to the best of your abilities. If that isn't possible then you should resign and let someone else takeover.

After all, no-one was forced to put their names forward for election. We do live in a democracy.

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