Thursday, 16 August 2007

Going to Graceland.

On the thirtieth anniversary of the death of the “King,” it would appear that Wendy Alexander MSP is almost certain to be crowned Scottish Labour Leader given the absence of any serious mainstream challenge to her coronation.

It would appear to Mr Smith that the only possible challenge to her will come from not so much the Labour Party’s left-wing, as from its far left-wing, as exemplified by the Campaign for Socialism, and even then they will be hard pressed to come up with a credible candidate, assuming they come up with the required six votes to nominate their selected kamikaze.

The most likely challenger is probably current Deputy Leader Cathy Jamieson, although even our Cathy has mellowed somewhat since her firebrand, spiky haired and doc martin-booted days as an Ayrshire left-winger. So, really the contest to find Labour’s new Scottish Leader appears to be all over bar the shouting, and Mr Smith cannot say he is too impressed by Labour MSP Andy Kerr’s comments that there is a need to have a contest, to have a battle of ideas - at the same time as he rules himself out as a contender.

And whilst Mr Smith is on the subject, does anyone else thing there may be a resemblance between “the Queen of Scotland” designate Wendy Alexander and Elvis in his prime? The petted lip perhaps?

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