Monday, 27 August 2007

No relocation, relocation.

So, another reverse in Scottish Government policy with the decision of the Scottish Executive not to relocate three NHS departments to Glasgow.

"Health Minister Shona Robison has reversed the previous Executive's plans to transfer headquarters jobs from NHS Health Scotland, NHS Quality Improvement Scotland and NHS Education Scotland. Ms Robison said her decision would save £22million and that moving the jobs was not the "best use of resources during what will be a tight financial settlement period". "

It makes Mr Smith wonder just how much sense the entire "relocation" policy which the previous Executive administration pursued over eight years actually made, if in this case alone moving 400 jobs (which people already had and which weren't vacant) was going to cost £22 million to relocate them from one end of the M8 in Edinburgh, forty miles down the road to Glasgow.

Mr Smith asks just how many more millions of pounds of public money were squandered pursuing this policy over the last eight years?

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