Sunday 12 August 2007


Mr Smith appreciates the candour of Nicola Sturgeon MSP's disclosure in the Sunday Mail that "I'm no Hillary Clinton and he better not be a Bill Clinton" in a profile piece on her herself and her "boyfriend" Peter Murrell, who coincidentally happens to be the SNP's Chief Executive.

But the article contains a few choice nuggets which give us an insight into the world of the happy couple, " ... "He does what he does, I do what I do, and we complement each other. Though I do iron his shirts. In my head, that absolves me of all other responsibilities" ... The bike Peter bought Nicola for Christmas has never been out of the garage. She added: "But I've got an exercise bike and I use that occasionally" ... In her home office, from among the books on politicians and spin-doctors and Scotland, the face of Margaret Thatcher smirks down. The two women might have very different politics but both can see the benefits of a female in charge of her own country. Nicola said: "After Alex has had a good crack of the whip, I'd love to see a woman First Minister." "

Mr Smith really thinks that Nicola should get out more, and he's not sure this article was a very good idea.

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