Monday, 13 August 2007

Labour's by-election success.

News of one more former Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) who lost their seat at May's elections and who has now moved onto another form of gainful employment, namely former Labour MSP for Livingston Bristow Muldoon.

Today's press mentions that the "The Royal Society of Chemistry and Royal Society of Edinburgh have jointly appointed chemistry graduate Bristow Muldoon, former MSP for Livingston, as their first Scottish-based parliamentary liaison officer. The two societies stressed the appointment was non-political and said the new post had been created to make it easier for MSPs and researchers of all parties to tap into their knowledge and expertise."

Mr Smith notes the irony of Mr Muldoon's new role in that he probably wouldn't have got it if it hadn't been for the Liberal Democrats success in winning the Dunfermline West by-election. 'How so?' Mr Smith hears you ask. Well the previous parliamentary liaison for the Royal Society of Chemistry was none other than Willie Rennie, now MP for Dunfermline West, who had the gig whilst working for Edinburgh public affairs consultancy, McEwen Purvis. If Oor Willie hadn't been elected, because Labour had held the Dunfermline seat, then Bristow might still be "on the dole."

But will Mr Muldoon really be satisfied with being a lowly "parliamentary liaison officer"? At least he is one member of the Labour Party who got some belated benefit out of the Liberal Democrat's by-election success.

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