Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Labour's new leader (unelected).

So the Leader of the Scottish Labour Group in the Scottish Parliament (Elect) is Wendy Alexander (pictured left) who, as the only nominee, got the support of 41 of Labour's 46 Members of the Scottish Parliament in an election that would have been worthy of North Korea's late Imperious One, Kim Il sung. Mr Smith presumes the five non-supporting MSPs were Messrs Bulter, Smith, Peattie, Glen and Ferguson(?).

Mr Smith supposes at least one benefit of having such a short and decisive contest is that we won't have to put up with any more punditry from self proclaimed political commentator and "author" Gerry Hassan, as per his latest piece in the Herald, indirectly plugging his latest book which he "edited," 'After Blair: Politics After The New Labour Decade.'

A small mercy in exchange for losing a bit of democracy.

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