Friday, 31 August 2007

Colleagues not comrades.

Mr Smith has been passed a copy of the first edict to be issued by the Leader of the Scottish Parliamentary Labour Group (Unelect), Wendy Alexander MSP, by one of his Labour inclined friends and it would appear that the new Imperious One has wasted no time in ditching the "Comrade" tag, instead addressing members as "Colleagues."

Mr Smith can only conclude that this is a deliberate shift, but he is less impressed by Wendy's other tactics in her mailing, including Labour's LUCKY NUMBERS, whereby if you make a donation, you are entered in a monthly draw whereby you can win £100, and be entered in an annual £1,000 prize draw.

Surely, the People's Party doesn't have to rely on a tacky prize draw to persuade its members to cough up to campaign for the cause of socialism? And what exactly is the point of giving away a cash prize to people who have ... er ... already made a donation? Hopefully, this isn't the pinnacle of Wendy's "new thinking."

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