Saturday, 15 September 2007


So, the phoney campaign is finally over and Wendy Alexander MSP has finally been appointed as Labour Leader in Scotland, or Leader of the the Labour Group in the Scottish Parliament, as it is more affectionately known.

Mr Smith notes that she has gotten off to a flying start by announcing that Patrick Macdonald, the former Chief Executive of John Menzies, a job which carried a half a million pound a year salary, is to advise her on "resources required, capabilities necessary and the infrastructure to stay in touch with members and communicate with supporters." Now Mr Smith doesn't know how much experience Mr Macdonald has of the Labour Party, but Mr Smith suspects that any recommendations that he makes will only with great difficulty be applied to the Scottish Labour Party which afterall isn't a corporate entity, where people are expected to simply obey orders.

But Mr Smith couldn't help but notice the picture in the Scotsman of the new Labour Leader being "hugged" by Labour's Deputy Leader, Cathy Jamieson, someone whom Mr Smith suspects isn't long to continue in that role if Wendy has her way. The photo really isn't very convincing, is it?

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