Monday, 3 September 2007

Swallowing your principles.

Mr Smith would highlight the fact that the summer recess has given one of our MSPs an opportunity to backtrack on an apparent principled stand which they took in the dog days of the last session.

Labour MSP Helen Eadie (pictured far left) forced a vote on the memberships of the Scottish Parliament's Committees in late June, saying that appointing Conservative MSP Margaret Mitchell MSP, as Convener of the Scottish Parliament's Equal Opportunities Committee was a bit like putting "Attila the Hun in charge of community care."

Our Helen lost that vote (she was the only one to vote against) and then resigned her membership of the Committee she had been appointed to against her wishes, leaving her as the only MSP not on one of Holyrood's backbench Committees.

Well it seems that our Helen has swallowed her principles and will rejoin the membership of the Subordinate Legislation Committee as well as being a Substitute Member of the Health and Sport Committee from this week. She obviously doesn't think that Margaret Mitchell is Attila the Hun anymore then and Scotland's equal opportunities are safe in Margaret's hands.

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