Sunday, 23 September 2007

We are family.

Mr Smith reads that: "ALMOST 50 MSPs have given parliamentary jobs to members of their immediate family, a Sunday Herald investigation has revealed. Hundreds of thousands of pounds of public cash have been taken out of the Holyrood expenses scheme to put MSPs' spouses, children and in-laws on the state-funded payroll.
Some have employed two relatives at the same time in what critics describe as a scam to "top up the incomes of their nearest and dearest"."

Mr Smith asks in what other job, in either the public sector or the private sector would someone be able to employ their own family without any scrutiny or oversight of what was happening? This is one practice that deserves to be consigned to the Scottish Parliament's dust bin.

And another pat on the back to Mr Paul Hutcheon who breaks the story yet again in the public interest.

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