Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Life of Brian.

Further to the news that Scottish Labour’s Communications Director, Brian Lironi, is to leave the People’s Party less than two months after taking the job, comes the suggestion according to one paper of note, that it is the Labour Leader Wendy Alexander’s “unreasonable demands” on him that made him quit.

Wendy reportedly was “calling and texting him around the clock, at 1 am and later. She’s just totally oversensitive about any criticism.” Who would want to work for Wendy? Who would want to want Wendy to run the country if that is how she deals with people?

Sadly, for our Brian there is no prospect of him being able to return to his old job as Political Editor at the Sunday Mail with the news that Mark Aitken, Political Correspondent of the Mail on Sunday, is to take up Brian’s old job.

Brian Lironi, is the first Winner of Mr Smith’s newly inaugurated “Nae Luck” Award.

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