Monday, 24 September 2007

Kettle ... pot ... black.

Mr Smith read with interest the comments of Liberal Democrat MSP John Farquhar Munro about the Leader of his Party, Sir Menzies Campbell MP.

"LIBERAL DEMOCRAT leader Menzies Campbell has suffered another challenge to his authority after one of his party's MSPs said he should be replaced by Charles Kennedy. John Farquhar Munro, MSP for Ross, Skye and Inverness West, said Campbell had not been a success as leader as he was "not a good people person". He added that he would sign Kennedy's nomination papers today if asked to. "

Mr Smith cannot help but think that Sir Ming being accused of not being "a people person," by Mr Munro, is a bit like the proverbial kettle calling the pot black. Mr Munro isn't exactly noted for being Mr Personality.

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