Wednesday, 26 September 2007

It's a gamble.

The one issue that seems to be dominating political discussion is whether the new PM will call a snap General Election.

Mr Smith noted that the Herald did a vox-unpopuli of senior Labour figures from the Bournemouth Labour Conference on Tuesday which featured one of the most arrogant comments he has ever heard uttered by a Scottish politician. Asked for his views on whether Gordon Brown should call an early election, Edinburgh Labour MP Nigel Griffiths, and former researcher to the Leader, reportedly said: "If we have the election now, my majority will go up from 400 to 3000. It is a gamble but he should take it."

Mr Smith is lost for words. He hopes Mr Griffiths didn't mean his comment in the manner it came across. Sadly, he thinks he probably did. Those that live by the will of the voters, die by the will of the voters.

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