Friday, 21 September 2007

Think positive, vote positive.

So, Mr Smith reads that:

"Labour's defeat in the Scottish Parliament elections in May was not caused by the Iraq war and the unpopularity of Tony Blair, a major study has concluded. Researchers put the SNP's victory down to the party's success in projecting a positive image and creating a mood of optimism among the electorate. Voters believed the Nationalists was likely to perform better in government than Labour had - and they felt the SNP ran a more upbeat election campaign for Holyrood."

Pretty damning indictment then of the Labour election strategy which sought to rerun the 1999 and 2003 Labour election campaigns by raising fears that electing an SNP administration would lead to independence despite the fact that the SNP had promised a separate independence referendum in the event of them being elected. Very worrying news then for new Labour Leader Wendy Alexander MSP.

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