Labour Leader (Unelect) Wendy Alexander MSP is reportedly considering ditching the reference to "New" in the Peoples' Party's title, in preference to "Scottish."
Mr Smith thinks that Wendy is missing the point. Perhaps if Labour in Scotland has been more "New Labour" by promising improved performance for public services in exchange for increased public funding as delivered by "New Labour" south of the border, then "Scottish Labour" might not have found itself so comprehensively "gubbed" at the recent Scottish Parliament elections and so definitively out of power.
Well quite.
Considering the picture you've used I'm trying to fathom how it will make any difference since they already use "Scottish Labour" and were beaten as "Scottish Labour".
Thanks Norman
The picture of course relates to the old Labour Party HQ in Lynedoch Terrace.
It was intended as irony ......
They didn't use "New Labour" ... perhaps someone should tell Wendy that.
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